The rising volume and variety of intercompany transactions coupled with detailed enforcement of transfer pricing regulations have made transfer pricing a leading risk management issue for global businesses. In India, the TP adjustments being made focusing on new and more complicated issues have brought to the fore the reality that TP controversies are expensive and time-consuming to deal with and frequently result in double taxation of income, leading to considerable uncertainty. Therefore, our goal in transfer pricing practice is to help companies manage risks by aligning practical transfer pricing solutions with their overall global business operations and objectives, assist with strategic documentation to support their transfer pricing practices, and resolve disputes efficiently.
Team at Sawhney & Sawhney can help you out with following services-
- Transfer pricing audit and filing of audit report in Form 3CEB
- Assistance in Local transfer pricing compliance documentation for international transactions and specified domestic transactions including Functional analysis, Comparability analysis, Industry and business overview
- TP analysis and advice on complex transactions
- Restructuring of existing business model to build tax/commercial efficiencies
- Dispute prevention – Advance Pricing agreement
- Dispute resolution – domestic litigation and mutual agreement procedure
- Safe harbour applications and audit proceedings
- Advise on the applicability & documentation of master file and country-by-country (CbC) reporting requirements